By utilizing a unique combination of modern sports medicine knowledge and time-tested traditional therapeutic methods, major physical and mental boundaries can be overcome

For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has been proven as an effective therapeutic tool for neurological, athletic, and musculo-skeletal injuries.   Various ancient techniques of stimulating the nervous and circulatory systems, muscles, and connective tissue, offer radical and fast changes to physiology.  Sports Medicine Acupuncture, scalp neurological acupuncture, peripheral electrical nerve stimulation, and various other techniques are implemented to restore function to the body, reduce or eliminate pain, while improving performance.


Our Mission

It is the mission of Summit Sports Acupuncture to provide the best of Eastern and Western therapeutic and rehabilitative methods for peak human performance and rehabilitation.  

“All human beings should be able and willing to perform basic maintenance on themselves.”
— ― Kelly Starrett, Ready to Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Naturally

Strategies We Employ

  • Sports Medicine Acupuncture for pain management of both acute and chronic injuries

  • Tui Na manual therapy

  • Postural and corrective exercises for self empowered rehabilitation and performance

  • DCT resistance stretching for proven athletic mobility and strength

  • Scalp and peripheral nerve electrical stimulation

  • Elite nutraceutical supplementation

  • ELDOA spinal decompression therapy

  • Health education and coaching

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques of cupping, moxibustion, and herbal therapies


(530) 536-0518

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